Watch all six episodes

Episode 1: If you had no fear, what would you say about failure in organizations?
Our first episode features Liz Wiseman and Todd Kashdan, who fearlessly take on this question.

Episode 2: What Happens When Organizations Jump Into Action Before Getting Clear On The Real Challenge?
Our second episode draws on the wisdom of Desiree Adaway, Aaron Dignan and Jean-Philippe Courtois.

Episode 3: If We Say Yes To Leadership Vulnerability, What Do We Have To Say No To?
Our third episode features Jean-Philippe Courtois and our very own Michael Bungay Stanier – who keep it real!

Episode 4: What’s On Your Mind When You Think Of Empathy’s Role In Organizational Culture?
We’re not gonna lie, we like this question. It combines two of our favourite things — one of our Seven Essential Questions and an important leadership trait. This fourth episode features Todd Kashdan & Desire Adaway again.

Episode 5: What Does Psychological Safety Mean To You? What Ideas Do You Have About The Impact Of Psychological Safety On Organizational Innovation?
This episode features Karin Hurt & Liz Wiseman who share their insights on this important topic.

Episode 6: What Are The Consequences When Culture Change Doesn’t Stem From — Or Start With — An Organization’s Leadership?
For our sixth episode, we have Todd Kashdan, Aaron Dignan and Jean-Philippe Courtois back again. They share some important insights. How would you answer the question?